Monday, April 21, 2014

Fitness Through the Ages

Gentlemanly strength
Dost thou even hoist? 

Through the millennia that man has existed on Earth, fitness has always been an important aspect of life.  It is how well you can survive, and we all want to survive right?  Let us marvel, through the time machine that is history, and see the advancements in fitness, or rather, the decline in fitness that we see from the first men and women to the gradually more sedentary lifestyles that we have grown into today.
Group Fitness of Olde

From the first signs of survival of Primitive Man, to the agricultural revolution, early Indian and Chinese society, to the pantheon of fitness that was the Greeks, we'll see the evolution of fitness of human kind.  The importance of fitness of warring nations like Rome, we'll see the systematic implementation and standardization of fitness for men and women.  We'll see that even with the apparent death of civilized society during the Dark Ages that fitness reigned as essential and that it brought forth a continued evolution of itself through the heights of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.  

We'll see the impact on fitness that industrialization had, as societies began to decline in the standard of fitness necessary for survival, slowly but surely. Throughout the American Civil War, the World Wars, all the way to the 21st Century, we'll see the change in fitness, and grasp an understanding on how far we have come as the human race in the level of fitness required for survival.  

Join me on this journey as we embark on a quest of discovery of health and fitness throughout the history of the human race.